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Article: SPF 系數越高越好? 可以防曬幾耐? The higher the SPF factor, the better?

SPF 系數越高越好?  可以防曬幾耐? The higher the SPF factor, the better?

SPF 系數越高越好? 可以防曬幾耐? The higher the SPF factor, the better?

The higher the SPF factor, the better?

SPF 系數越高越好? 可以防曬幾耐?
簡單來說, 要先看皮膚曬多久會曬紅曬傷。

假設皮膚曬15分鐘會曬紅曬傷,SPF 30即是15分鐘乘30倍 =450分鐘 (7小時) 後才被曬傷。
咁係咪越高越好? SPF系數越高對皮膚的負擔越大,或會堵塞毛孔,並增加皮膚過敏的風險。


附加分享資料, 有關消委會提供的《皮膚冷知識:防曬產品要識揀,點止睇SPF咁簡單?》按此閱讀


To put it simply, you need to first check how long it takes for your skin to become red and burned.

Assuming that your skin will get red and burned after being exposed to the sun for 15 minutes, SPF 30 means 15 minutes multiplied by 30 times = 450 minutes (7 hours) before you get sunburned.
So the higher the SPF factor, the better? The higher the SPF coefficient, the greater the burden on the skin, which may clog pores and increase the risk of skin allergies.

In order to prevent consumers from misunderstanding the effectiveness of sunscreen products, countries such as the European Union and Australia have legislated that sunscreen products with SPF50 or above can only be labeled as "SPF50+" to prevent consumers from excessively pursuing products with high SPF values ​​and increasing the burden on the skin. At the same time, most people actually need to apply sunscreen products to their body and face after 2 to 3 hours of outdoor activities, so there is no need to pursue products with extremely high SPF coefficients.



(Trial Price) Floral nourish mineral sunscreen lotion SPF35 PA++ (no colour)*Limit purchase of 6 bottles per person.

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