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Article: 小強結界擴香座 Anti-cockroach Diffuser

小強結界擴香座  Anti-cockroach Diffuser

小強結界擴香座 Anti-cockroach Diffuser


適合置於廚房, 渠口, 門口等地方, 營造小強怕怕的結界。

羅勒精油 5滴
百里香精油 4滴
藍膠尤加利精油 4滴

置於廚房, 渠口, 門口等地方, 營造小強怕怕的結界

*放於兒童或寵物不能接觸的位置, 避免誤食。

Basil oil 5 drops
Thyme oil 4 drops
Eucalyptus Globulus Oil 4 drops

Drop essential oils on the diffuser wood
Place it in the kitchen, at the mouth of a ditch, at the door, etc., to create a barrier that scares cockroach.

*The above information is for reference only and should be used with caution by patients under six years old and those with individual illnesses.
*Keep out of reach of children or pets to avoid accidental ingestion.



Basil Oil

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Thyme (Red) Oil

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Oshadhi Organic Eucalyptus Globulus Oil

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About Essential Elements

Essential Elements is created to provide a unique platform where customers can freely choose over our wide and growing range of high quality raw material products. Essential Elements is launched and fully supported by Wing Hing Chemical Co., Ltd. which has been in business serving the local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic clients for over 40 years in Hong Kong. With our many years of established and well-connected relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers worldwide, we have been able to maintain our products in highest quality consistency while keeping the cost at the best value for our customers.

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SPF 系數越高越好? 可以防曬幾耐? The higher the SPF factor, the better?

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白蟻結界擴香座  Anti termite Diffuser
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白蟻結界擴香座 Anti termite Diffuser

飛蟻又叫大水蟻,為白蟻的繁殖蟻種,如果不幸入屋大量繁殖,蛀食木材傢俱更是災難。潮濕陰暗,空氣不流通的環境最適合飛蟻/白蟻生存,要驅防白蟻首先要保持家居通風乾爽。大家可以嘗試使用「藍絲柏精油」及「肉桂/丁香精油」, 製作擴香座或香磚擺放木家居的旁邊驅走白蟻防蛀食木材。「藍絲柏」生長在澳洲北領地的熱帶雨林裡,藍絲柏木材常用於房屋建築,因為木材具有很強的抗...

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