「床蝨怕怕」 苦楝油、迷迭香精油 使用方法 How to use Neem oil and Rosemary essential oil on "Bed bugs"

「床蝨怕怕」 苦楝油、迷迭香精油 使用方法 How to use Neem oil and Rosemary essential oil on "Bed bugs"
「床蝨怕怕」 苦楝油、迷迭香精油 使用方法 How to use Neem oil and Rosemary essential oil on "Bed bugs"
印楝油是唯一獲得 EPA 批准的室內生物農藥。它透過破壞床蝨的消化和生殖系統來防治驅趕床蝨。亦有另一美國研究報告測試各類精油,將床蝨與不同的精油及印楝油共存於密封的袋內數天,迷迭香精油能除掉90%床蝨,印楝油能除掉100%床蝨。
優點: 印楝油呈黃色至棕色,有苦味,有大蒜/硫磺氣味。數百年來它一直被用來控制害蟲和疾病,對人類、寵物和兒童安全。
1. 防止床蝨接近行李爬入喼
做法: 將苦楝油及迷迭香精油滴落棉花/化妝棉放入行李喼的角落,再將棉片放入已拮窿的膠袋內
2. 用於噴衣服/物件,防止床蝨接近
吐溫80 2ml
苦楝油 8ml
做法: 以上成份充分混合後額外加蒸餾水 20ml放入噴樽,搖勻即可使用
Bed bug have occurred in France, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and Japan. Recently, there have been viral reports on the Internet of suspected bed bugs on Hong Kong's transportation vehicles. Everyone is worried that bed bugs may be buried in their homes while traveling.
Neem oil is the only indoor biopesticide approved by the EPA. It prevents and repels bed bugs by damaging their digestive and reproductive systems. Another American research report tested various essential oils and coexisted bed bugs with different essential oils in sealed bags for several days. Rosemary essential oil can eliminate 90% of bed bugs.
Pros: Neem oil is yellow to brown in color and has a bitter, garlic/sulfur smell. It has been used for centuries to control pests and diseases and is safe for humans, pets and children.
Recommended usage:
1. Prevent bed bugs from crawling into luggage
Method: Drop neem oil and rosemary essential oil onto cotton/cotton pads and put them in the corner of your luggage, then put the cotton pads into the zippered plastic bag.
2. Used to spray clothes/objects to prevent bed bugs from approaching
Tween 80 2ml
Neem oil 8ml
10 drops of rosemary essential oil
Method: Mix the above ingredients thoroughly and add 20ml of distilled water into the spray bottle, shake well and use
*Please use the finished product within one month after production.
**The above information is for reference only. If you have sensitive skin, please test it yourself first.
**Children under 6 years old and patients with individual illnesses should use with caution or please check with your doctor first.
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