衣櫃驅蟲香磚 Insect repellent brick

衣櫃驅蟲香磚 Insect repellent brick
衣櫃驅蟲香磚 Insect repellent brick
【衣櫃驅蟲香磚 】可放入紗袋後置於要收藏的衣物內, 亦可放入紗袋掛於衣櫃內均有殺菌、驅蟲、消臭的作用。
《殺菌、驅蟲》建議精油: 杜松果、天竺葵
《殺菌、驅蟲》建議精油: 香柏、薰衣草
《殺菌、消臭》建議精油: 杜松果、絲柏
硬脂酸:白蜂蠟 = 1:1
天然精油:總蠟液的3-5% (可因應個人喜好調較精油比例)
1. 準備量度好硬脂酸、白蜂蠟及計算好精油的(ml)
2. 把硬脂酸及白蜂蠟入鍋,慢火加熱溶解 (可隔水加熱)
3. 以湯匙攪拌直至完全溶解後熄火
4. 待降點溫後加入精油以免揮發太快
5. 倒入預先準備好的倒模中放置約10-30分鐘定形後取出即完成
小貼士: 1ml = 大約20滴精油
About Essential Elements
Essential Elements is created to provide a unique platform where customers can freely choose over our wide and growing range of high quality raw material products. Essential Elements is launched and fully supported by Wing Hing Chemical Co., Ltd. which has been in business serving the local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic clients for over 40 years in Hong Kong. With our many years of established and well-connected relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers worldwide, we have been able to maintain our products in highest quality consistency while keeping the cost at the best value for our customers.