成屋都係 油煙燒肉嘅味道,久久不散,開晒全屋抽氣扇都係搞唔掂,哩個時候可以拎支〝DIY 室內空氣淨化噴霧〞出嚟噴吓客廳同房嘅空間,當然使用時一定要遠離火種!燒肉嘅味道嘅氣味會被精油嘅氣味中和,然後慢慢消失。

空氣淨化香薰噴霧配方 (燒肉後油煙味) Aroma air purifier
空氣淨化香薰噴霧配方 (燒肉後油煙味) Aroma air purifier
室內空氣淨化噴霧配方(燒肉後專用) :
150ml 噴霧瓶一個
75ml 蒸餾水
25ml 96%乙醇
25 滴檸檬精油
15 滴尤加利精油
做法: 將酒精混合2款精油搖勻加入噴霧瓶,加入蒸餾水搖勻即成。
用法: 每次用前要先搖勻,使用時請遠離火種!
Many of us like to eat Korean BBQ at home.
The whole house has the smell of oily smoke and roasted meat . You can use the "DIY indoorair purifying spray" to spray in the living room. Be sure to stay away from fire and heat when using it! The smell of roasted meat will be neutralized by the essential oils and then disappear.
Aroma air purifying spray recipe (specially after roasting meat):
150ml spray bottle
75ml distilled water
25ml Ethyl Alcohol 96% B.P
25 drops lemon essential oil
15 drops Radiata Eucalyptus essential oil
Mix Ethyl Alcohol 96% B.P with 2 essential oils to the bottle, shake well, then add distilled water and shake well.
Usage: Shake well before use, keep away from fire when using!
**The above information is for reference only. Children under the age of 6 and patients with individual diseases should use it with caution or consult a doctor first.
**Store in a place out of reach of children and pets to avoid misuse.
**For those with sensitive skin, please test before use.
About Essential Elements
Essential Elements is created to provide a unique platform where customers can freely choose over our wide and growing range of high quality raw material products. Essential Elements is launched and fully supported by Wing Hing Chemical Co., Ltd. which has been in business serving the local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic clients for over 40 years in Hong Kong. With our many years of established and well-connected relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers worldwide, we have been able to maintain our products in highest quality consistency while keeping the cost at the best value for our customers.