考試季又到喇!家長們又要陪太子讀書,眼見小朋友溫書坐唔定,專注力不足好易無名火起,同大家介紹一個可以幫助小朋友提升專注力的精油擴香配方。(同場必備) 家長降火消燥冷靜油配方

(考試必備) 專注留心油擴香配方 essential oils blend (Focus)
(考試必備) 專注留心油擴香配方 essential oils blend (Focus)
(考試必備) 專注留心油擴香配方
岩蘭草: 撫平情緒,安定心神
雪松: 促進腦部活性,提升記億力、集中力
檸檬: 醒腦、提振精神
用法: 擴香木置於書桌,精油順序滴入擴香木,精油滴下會漸漸地滲入至木頭內會散發出香氣
(同場必備) 家長降火消燥冷靜油配方
基底油 15毫升 (如:可可巴油, 甜杏仁油...)
岩蘭草: 撫平情緒,安定心神
薰衣草: 心平氣和,尋回平靜內心
西柚: 心情不佳,意志消沉
用法: 將以上配方基底油及精油倒入滴管瓶,需要時將兩至四滴混合油滴於手心,用手心熱力搓揉,打開手心,深呼吸將精油吸入,重覆以上步驟,讓身心平復。
**以上資訊祗供參考,癲癇患者, 6歲以下兒童及個別病患者慎用或請先向醫生查詢。
essential oils blend (Focus)
1 drop Vetiver essential oil
2 drops cedarwood essential oil
3 drops lemon essential oil
Vetiver: Soothes emotions and calms the mind
Cedarwood: Promote brain activity, improve memory and concentration
Lemon: refreshes the mind and boosts the spirit
Usage: Put the diffused wood on the desk, drop the essential oil into the diffused wood in sequence, the essential oil will gradually penetrate into the wood and emit aroma
Parents' Calming Oil Relief Formula
Carrier oil 15ml (eg: Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil...)
Vetiver essential oil 1 drop
Lavender essential oil 2 drops
Grapefruit essential oil 3 drops
Vetiver: Soothes emotions and calms the mind
Lavender: Peace of mind, find peace of mind
Grapefruit: bad mood, depression
Usage: Pour the base oil and essential oil of the above formula into the dropper bottle. If necessary, drop two to four drops of the mixed oil into the palm of the hand, rub it with the palm of the hand, open the palm of the hand, take a deep breath and inhale the essential oil, repeat the above steps to calm the body and mind .
**The above information is for reference only. Epilepsy patients, children under 6 years old and patients with individual diseases should use it with caution or consult a doctor first.
**Keep out of reach of children and pets to avoid ingestion/misuse.
**Those with sensitive skin, please test by yourself first.
About Essential Elements
Essential Elements is created to provide a unique platform where customers can freely choose over our wide and growing range of high quality raw material products. Essential Elements is launched and fully supported by Wing Hing Chemical Co., Ltd. which has been in business serving the local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic clients for over 40 years in Hong Kong. With our many years of established and well-connected relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers worldwide, we have been able to maintain our products in highest quality consistency while keeping the cost at the best value for our customers.