DIY Bubble bath bomb

〝泡泡浴〞沐浴氣泡彈 DIY Bubble Bath Bombs
DIY Bubble bath bomb
成份: (起泡版)
200g 碳酸氫鈉
100g 檸檬酸
50g 硫酸鎂
50g 椰油基羟乙基磺酸钠 (SCI) 針狀 (起泡成份)
10ml 甜杏仁基底油 + 5ml 96%乙醇 (不需加入所有)
40滴 你所選擇的香薰精油
1) 先將椰油基羟乙基磺酸钠 (SCI) 針狀 用研磨碗或攪拌器打至粉狀。(建議戴上口罩)
2) 粉狀椰油基羟乙基磺酸钠 (SCI) 混合碳酸氫鈉、檸檬酸、硫酸鎂一同攪拌。
3) 將你所選擇的香薰精油及甜杏仁基底油及96%乙醇加入噴壺,逐少加入1的混合物之中,加入色粉, 用手混合直至粉粒有少許黏黏濕濕感。
4) 接著將上述半製成品放入模具用力壓實,用乾毛巾覆蓋它並置空氣中晾乾不少於48小時。
5) 48小時後倒出來,用保鮮膜包好,完成。
Ingredients: (Improved version)
200g Sodium Bicarbonate
100g Citric Acid
50g Magnesium Sulphate
50g Sodium cocoyl isethionate
10ml Sweet Almond oil + 5ml Ethyl Alcohol 96% B.P
40 drops of your choice of Essential Oils
1) Blend Sodium cocoyl isethionate until powdery with a grinding bowl or blender
2) Mix Sodium cocoyl isethionate and stir Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Magnesium Sulphate in a mixing bowl
3) Mix and shake with your choice of essential oils, Ethyl Alcohol 96% B.P and Sweet Almond carrier oil until the powder has a little sticky and wet feeling.
3) compacted into the mold.
4) Take it out and air dry it for approximately 48 hours and to cover it with dry towel
**Recipe for reference only, for sensitive skin, please tester before use.
**Children under 6 years old and individual patients need to have consultations with doctors.
About Essential Elements
Essential Elements is created to provide a unique platform where customers can freely choose over our wide and growing range of high quality raw material products. Essential Elements is launched and fully supported by Wing Hing Chemical Co., Ltd. which has been in business serving the local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic clients for over 40 years in Hong Kong. With our many years of established and well-connected relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers worldwide, we have been able to maintain our products in highest quality consistency while keeping the cost at the best value for our customers.