骨膠原抗皺眼霜 Anti Wrinkle Collagen Eye Cream

骨膠原抗皺眼霜 Anti Wrinkle Collagen Eye Cream
骨膠原抗皺眼霜 Anti Wrinkle Collagen Eye Cream
原料 (約20ml分量):
德國洋甘菊花水 15ml
玫瑰籽油 3ml
山金車浸泡油 1ml
海洋骨膠原精華液 0.8ml
冷製簡易乳化劑 8滴
乳香油 1滴
印度檀香油 1滴
山金車浸泡油 : 促進眼周血液循環,對抗黑眼圈形成
海洋骨膠原精華液: 增加皮膚的緊緻度,尤其對減低細紋的形成,效果特別顯著
乳香油: 有修復皮膚細胞,對到細紋、鬆弛
印度檀香油: 平均油脂分泌,具軟化潤澤皮膚,針對粗糙及乾燥性皮膚
Ingredients (20ml):
Chamomile German Floral Water 15ml
Rose Hip Oil 3ml
Arnica Infused Oil 1ml
Marine Collagen Liquid Extract 0.8ml
Emulsifying Polymer 8drops
Frankincense Oil 1drops
India Sandalwood Oil 1drops
Mix all ingredents and stirr until mixed evenly.
**Recipe for reference only, For sensitive skin, please tester before use.
**Children under 6 years old and individual patients need to have consultations with doctors.
About Essential Elements
Essential Elements is created to provide a unique platform where customers can freely choose over our wide and growing range of high quality raw material products. Essential Elements is launched and fully supported by Wing Hing Chemical Co., Ltd. which has been in business serving the local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic clients for over 40 years in Hong Kong. With our many years of established and well-connected relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers worldwide, we have been able to maintain our products in highest quality consistency while keeping the cost at the best value for our customers.