面對頻繁訊息,人容易 胡思亂想,同時被 焦慮、驚恐、不安嘅情緒包圍,瞓得唔好,甚至失眠。大家日常可以運用 精油擴香 幫助提升正能量,舒緩焦慮緊張,從而 幫助入眠。

「心靈守衛」擴香用精油之選 The Choice of Essential Oils for Diffusers for "Guarding spirit, soul, mind, body"
佛手柑精油: 緩解精緒不安及精神壓力、增加正能量
玫瑰天竺葵精油: 舒緩焦慮情緒、引發愉悅的感覺、溫暖身心
薰衣草精油: 幫助入眠,提升睡眠質素、放鬆心靈
甜橙精油: 驅走緊張不安、改善焦慮引起的失眠
馬鬱蘭精油: 放鬆緊繃肌肉,減輕壓力困擾
1. 居所/辦公室: 混合精油使用擴香機作擴香
2. 寫字枱/洗手間: 混合精油加於擴香木作擴香
3. 貼身配飾: 混合精油加於口罩香薰扣,如氣味太濃可以基底油稀釋
Faced with frequent messages, people tend to think wildly, and at the same time be surrounded by anxiety, panic, and anxiety, sleep well, and even lose sleep. You can use essential oils to diffuse to help boost positive energy, relieve anxiety and tension, and help you fall asleep.
Bergamot essential Oil: Relieve restlessness and stress, increase positive energy
Rose Geranium essential Oil: Soothes Anxiety, Induces Feelings of Joy, Warms the Mind and Body
Lavender essential Oil: Helps fall asleep, improves sleep quality, and relaxes the mind
Sweet orange essential oil: drive away nervousness and improve anxiety-induced insomnia
Marjoram essential Oil: Relaxes tight muscles and relieves stress
Suggested usage:
1. Home/Office: Mix essential oils and diffuse with a diffuser
2. Desk/washroom: Mix essential oil and add it to diffused wood for diffusing.
3. Personal accessories: Mix essential oil and add it to the aroma diffuser clip of the mask. If the smell is too strong, you can dilute it with carrier oil
**The above information is for reference only, if you have sensitive skin, please test before use.
**Children under the age of 6 and individual patients should use with caution or consult a doctor first.
About Essential Elements
Essential Elements is created to provide a unique platform where customers can freely choose over our wide and growing range of high quality raw material products. Essential Elements is launched and fully supported by Wing Hing Chemical Co., Ltd. which has been in business serving the local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic clients for over 40 years in Hong Kong. With our many years of established and well-connected relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers worldwide, we have been able to maintain our products in highest quality consistency while keeping the cost at the best value for our customers.