


文章: 秋季森林香薰精油配方 Autumn Forest essential oil Recipe

秋季森林香薰精油配方 Autumn Forest essential oil Recipe
Anti-bacterial zone

秋季森林香薰精油配方 Autumn Forest essential oil Recipe

秋季森林香薰精油配方 Autumn Forest essential oil Recipe

想秋天去郊遊親親大自然,但又怕熱又怕曬, 又怕蚊叮蟲咬,其實都仲有方法止渴,運用精油創造森林氣氛的氛圍,隨時隋地沐浴於森林之中。

- 雪松精油(Cedarwood):4滴
- 松針精油(Pine):3滴
- 西伯利亞冷杉精油(Fir Needle):2滴

香薰擴香器 / DIY香薰蠟燭 / DIY家居噴霧
DIY按摩油/ DIY浸浴



### 注意事項
- 在使用精油之前,務必進行皮膚敏感測試。
- 孕婦、哺乳期婦女和嬰幼兒使用精油前請諮詢專業人士。
- 精油應存放在陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。

If you want to go on an outing in autumn and get close to nature, but you are afraid of the heat, sun, and mosquito bites, there are actually ways to quench your thirst. Use essential oils to create a forest-like atmosphere and bathe in the forest at any time.

Autumn Forest Recipe/Proportion:
- Cedarwood: 4 drops
- Pine needle essential oil: 3 drops
- Fir Needle Essential Oil : 2 drops

Recommended usage:
Aromatherapy Diffuser/DIY Aromatherapy Candle/DIY Home Spray
DIY Massage Oil/DIY Bath Soak

The woody scent of cedar essential oil has a soothing effect.
Pine needle and Siberian fir essential oils refresh the mind and improve focus.

Even if you can't step into the autumn forest in person for the time being, you can still feel the tranquility and beauty of nature in your own little world, bringing a moment of peace and comfort to your soul.

### Notes
- Always perform a skin sensitivity test before using essential oils.
- Pregnant women, lactating women and infants should consult a professional before using essential oils.
- Essential oils should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


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Essential Elements is created to provide a unique platform where customers can freely choose over our wide and growing range of high quality raw material products. Essential Elements is launched and fully supported by Wing Hing Chemical Co., Ltd. which has been in business serving the local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic clients for over 40 years in Hong Kong. With our many years of established and well-connected relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers worldwide, we have been able to maintain our products in highest quality consistency while keeping the cost at the best value for our customers.


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