如果你相信芳香療法,請記低以下香薰應用懶人包 ,希望大家用唔著,祝身體健康,大家多多保重

「守護健康」香薰應用懶人包 aromatherapy application pack
香薰應用懶人包 aromatherapy application pack
如果你相信芳香療法,請記低以下香薰應用懶人包 ,希望大家用唔著,祝身體健康,大家多多保重
感冒 : 羅文莎葉、茶樹、薰衣草、尤加利
頭痛 : 薄荷、薰衣草、尤加利
喉嚨痛 : 薰衣草、百里香、安息香
咳嗽 : 百里香、安息香、尤加利、薰衣草、乳香
發燒: 薄荷、薰衣草、尤加利
資料來源: 各大精油書籍
P.S. 唔舒服應該要去睇醫生同食藥! 精油只係輔助及舒緩性質!
If you believe in aromatherapy, please remember the following aromatherapy application pack, wish everyone health, and take care
Cold : Ravensara, Tea Tree, Lavender, Eucalyptus Radiata
Headache : Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus Radiata
Sore throat : Lavender, Thyme, Benzoin
Cough : Thyme, Benzoin, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lavender, Frankincense
Fever: Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus
Source: Essential Oil Books
P.S. If you feel uncomfortable, you should go to see a doctor and take medicine! Essential oils are only auxiliary and soothing properties!
The following information is for reference only, children under the age of 6 and individual patients should use it with caution or consult a doctor first.
About Essential Elements
Essential Elements is created to provide a unique platform where customers can freely choose over our wide and growing range of high quality raw material products. Essential Elements is launched and fully supported by Wing Hing Chemical Co., Ltd. which has been in business serving the local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic clients for over 40 years in Hong Kong. With our many years of established and well-connected relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers worldwide, we have been able to maintain our products in highest quality consistency while keeping the cost at the best value for our customers.